Our approach to the management of our clients’ corporate responsibility issues at its core is defined by the building of long-term relationships with stakeholders based on trust, understanding and mutual communication. Within this context, we assist our clients to produce and implement a comprehensive stakeholder engagement plan and we undertake engagement exercises. We support our clients to:
- identify, map and prioritize the groups and participants, who affect and are affected by corporate operations and to analyze their characteristics;
- measure stakeholders expectations and identify opportunities for collaboration with each group;
- design individual actions targeted to each group focusing on information, consultation, exchange of views and collaboration;
- co-ordinate all aspects of community engagement processes, from public information sessions and workshops through to implementation of targeted programs which stimulate and strengthen collaborative company relationships with its stakeholders.
All our proposed interventions are designed within a systematic, recognized procedure that has measurable targets and is evaluated at all stages, while keeping in mind the acceptance of corporate goals and the design by interested groups affected by it as well as the overall improvement of corporate competitiveness through the incorporation of stakeholder views in its strategy and management.